Snow at home can be a pain to shovel and plow, but the beauty of the snow on the trees, and the dampening of sound creating a winter silence that is second to none is amazingly beautiful. Did you know that Lake Superior has the greatest impact on local snowfall amounts with 100% more winter precipitation falling downwind compared to Lakes Erie and Ontario that only have precipitation increases of 15% from the lake-effects? It’s another reason why Lake Superior lives up to its name.


Lake effect snow can push inland with high winds, creating higher snow totals in large areas of the North Shore. So, what do you do? Be prepared with a hat, gloves, scarf, and a warm jacket.  You can’t be too prepared, and when you’re dealing with Lake Superior, you need to be prepared for whatever the lake decides to throw at you. (same advice for a summer get away, always pack for 85 degrees and 40 degrees)